My appreciation for this play only increases with age. It used to sound truly "absurd"; saw in on stage last year and now it sounds like conversations I have with my loved ones.
I'll read or watch anything by Albee and this play may be always be the pinnacle of his achievements. Belongs on the list with Tennessee Williams, Eugene O'Neill, Beckett, etc.
Undiluted, raging, stream of consciousness chaos before it was distilled into those beautiful plays. Very difficult read, but if you like, admire, or respect Beckett, worth it.
I think this was (one of) the original anti-hero stories. It was my first Dostoevsky, and one I appreciated more than enjoyed, but has motivated me to read his classics soon.
Although this is not a great novel, and definitely not Dicken's best, it is essential as a source of both scathing social commentary of its times (and all time) and for its iconic characters that we still know and identify with whether we've read the novel or not.
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