We know next to nothing about Aesop (in fact he may not have even existed) but what he left behind is a series of hundreds of short (and i do mean short, most of these are just a couple sentences) stories starring animals that have indured for centuries after they were written. I'm willing to bet th...show more
At least a thousand years older than The Iliad or the Hebrew Bible, The Epic of Gilgamesh has claim to being literature’s most ancient tale. Its title character was a historical king who ruled the Mesopotamian city of Uruk in the first half of the third millennium BC. The tale centers on the friends...show more
I'm just referring to In His Own Write with this entry.
This was written by John Lennon, a member of The Beatles which are my favorite band of all time. This book definitely shows his sense of humor better than anyone else could explain. From the wordplay to those drawings, it's certainly a treat.
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The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
Even if i don't necessarily agree with the list, this book is still quite well researched and well written. I think that just viewing the list doesn't do it justice, you have to read the book's short biographies to really get why people made it or didn't make it.
Four Quartets is alright. But this right here is more than alright. The poem is brilliant, and probably the greatest poem of the 20th century. Historically, the poem was (along with Joyce|'s Ulyssess) one of the progenitors of modernism in literature.
This book is commendable at least given the time it was written and what the book says. In it, she argues that women ought to have an education commensurate with their position in society, claiming that women are essential to the nation because they educate its children and because they could be "co...show more
The best pamphlet i've ever read. Given that it was written by the same man who wrote Guliver's Travels helps, but it's just a flat out intresting book.
The Analects contain the sayings of the Chinese sage Confucius. The Analects encourage people to cultivate wisdom (ren) through devotion to one’s parents/family and loyalty to their ruler. It is essentially a conservative philosophy encouraging morally and ethically upstanding citizens. It is the mo...show more
A mathematical and geometric treatise consisting of 13 books written by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria. Euclid combined many different aspects of mathematics and presented them in a coherent and logical format. His clarity meant this became the standard mathematics textbook int...show more
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Geography of Claudius Ptolemy
Claudius Ptolemy, Edward Luther Stevenson, Joseph Fischer
Ptolemy created a book of maps, atlas which summarised the Roman knowledge of world geography. It was translated into Latin in Europe during the early part of the Renaissance and provided an influential starting point for European knowledge of world geography.
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