Set in the seventeenth-century reign of Louis XIII and peopled with historical personages such as Cardinal Richelieu and the Duke of Buckingham, The Three Musketeers recounts the swashbuckling adventures of an impetuous young swordsman named d’Artagnan and the trio of soldiers in the king’s service who give the book its title: Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Aspiring to join their ranks as a musketeer,
d’Artagnan follows his temper and his taste for amorous entanglement into perilous situations from which his new friends must extricate him. Duels, romantic liaisons, and court intrigue come fast and furious as the dialogue-driven chapters fly by. Literary entertainment gets no better than this: You’ll lose hours and hours of valuable time, and relish every moment.
It's long but it's worth it... don't read an abridged version, take your time and read a few chapters at a time, just as it was published in mid 19th century France.
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