A list by Henry Joe
Henry Joe
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Crime and Punishment
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Is life unfair? Is circumstance fate? Can we ever take the law into our own hands to change it? Fyodor Dostoevsky’s first major novel poses these questions in the tale of a man who enacts brutal crimes in order to break the strictures of his social destiny. For Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, the han...show more
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Lord of the Flies
William Golding
Assigned at least once to nearly every student in the English-speaking world, Golding’s chilling depiction of the descent into savagery of schoolboys stranded on a deserted island stirs to menacing life as we turn the pages; terror coils behind the words like a patient predator stalking its prey. Wr...show more
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The Book of Three
Lloyd Alexander
Fun adventure with its own very unique personality.
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The Red Badge of Courage
Stephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage is an American classic and a landmark in the literature of war. Yet it is a book that is very easy to understand too quickly. Although it is subtitled An Episode of the American Civil War, the novel offers little detail specific to the War Between the States other than the b...show more
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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis
A unique feeling comes over you as you read this story. It feels good. It has its own original personality.
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The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream
Paulo Coelho
Amazing story of following our dreams and sometimes coming back to where we started with a new perspective.
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The Road
Cormac McCarthy
The Road starts simply enough: A father and son, waking after a night camping in the wilderness, prepare to journey onward. But we’re soon aware that the simplicity belongs to no pastoral idyll—the sky is endlessly gray, the rivers are the color of oil, and ash drips from above. Nearly all plants an...show more
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William H. Armstrong
A touching and very well written story.
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Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
Robert M. Sapolsky
Super well written science book that if you put in the extra work to understand it, you’ll be rewarded with some important thoughts and ideas about why we behave as we do.
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Where the Red Fern Grows
Wilson Rawls
A touching tale of two dogs and a boy. Great memories of reading it as a child.
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The Hunger Games Trilogy
Suzanne Collins
Fantastic read!
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