This is the exact sort of book a list like this is invaluable for - can't believe I would have never heard of it otherwise. Absolutely crazy about it and all the images of the place and time it evokes.
When this came out my mom would read to me from it. I remembered some of those moments as I read it, so I'm not an objective reviewer. Sometimes it drags a little, but WLHM is every once in awhile a really special writer who will forever change a reader's understanding of the things around her, more
I've said this before - it's fine to agree, but the real value of the 1,000 books list is when one comes to love a book he'd never have heard of without this list. Enter 'The Walls', a page-turning adventure story/historical/political/social commentary, girl power manifesto and, somehow, very more
We have so much technical and specific knowledge now it's easy to think nothing so old as this could teach us much. But in the area of human nature, a subject our forebears had more time and attention to devote to, most of us could actually advance by looking back - at books like this. It's more
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