No sense beating about the bush: No volume conveys the enduring and serendipitous charm of books as happily as this one. It begins in October 1949, with an inquiry that Helene Hanff, a freelance writer in New York, posts to Marks & Co., a bookshop at 84, Charing Cross Road, London. It takes a few months for Frank P. Doel of Marks & Co. to disclose his name, more than two years for him to venture “Dear Helene,” and five more to begin matching her sarcasm. But long before that, friendship has blossomed. Although Hanff’s love for books informs the entire twenty-year correspondence, it’s her outrageous humor, especially when contrasted with Doel’s proper manner, that makes the exchange priceless.
Wonderful is the only word I can think for this book. Excellent correspondence of letters by booklovers, well worth reading (or listening to the audiobook).
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