One of my favourite Atwood's, even though it's an earlier one. I've read this at least twice and will probably read it at least once more before I die!
The first time I read this I was pregnant and it was very difficult to take. I read it again a couple of years ago with students, and loved it. Then I read it again right before I read Testaments. Wow.
Love this book! Hats off to the author, who has entered the cultural vocabulary with the term "the Bechdel Test." Here are the criteria for passing it: the film must "feature at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women must be named more
One of my favourite books growing up, and I've read it repeatedly over the years. There is also a lot of great literary criticism on this novel. This is a formative book for my reading life.
First heard about this book on my favourite podcast: Backlisted. I read it first on my own and then with my book club. This seemingly 'quiet' book generated a wild discussion!
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