Age has its despairs, yet without its dimension, our lives lose their shape: A timeless life, without growth or change, would be drearier than the day is long. That’s the profound truth that illuminates this extraordinary fable, in which a young girl named Winnie finds herself catapulted into great adventure by her discovery of a potion more powerful than time. This enchanting novel for young people is filled with enough wit, suspense, and imagination to inform the hearts and minds of elders, too. It is a beautiful, luminous, and very wise tale conjured by a storytelling sorceress.
I read this book but I don't agree that everlasting life would become dull and unrewarding. I fully believe that, given enough time, a number of societal ills could be conquered. That said, it's very well written and I enjoyed the plot.
One of my favorites! I got to teach this book my first year teaching and I loved it just as much as when I read it the first time.
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