Stranger in a Strange Land
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Robert A. Heinlein
Aug 1, 2018
Robert Heinlein's most famous and influential work, albeit not his most brilliantly speculative, is surely Stranger in a Strange Land, a book whose questioning of social mores and religious certitude have made it as congenial to some readers as it has been controversial to others. Astonishingly entertaining, yet full of meaty philosophical and quotidian barbs, rife with pathos and laughs, this novel—whether in its original form or the expanded author’s cut—remains as poignant and provocative as the day it was issued.
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Jan 10, 2019
A defining book during my high school years.
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Apr 7, 2019
It is simply wonderful. This books questions all and every view on sex, religion and morals and more. I love Heinlein's cranky and preachy 'Jubal Harshaw'.
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Oct 28, 2019
A lovely, witty novel of ideas.
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Aug 12, 2021
Read a long time ago, but definitely remember loving it.
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