Asimov’s penchant for discursive logic and brains over brawn does not prevent the Foundation series from being enthralling. Even today, ranked against all that has followed, it glows with quiet majesty.
I'm gratified that Volume 4 isn't on the list. When n it appeared, many years after the trilogy, I was thrilled. Upon reading it, I was sorely disappointed.
Not all of the foundation books were his best work, but I'm glad I read them all. Foundation And Earth was a great capstone of the entire Asimov universe. And his End Of Eternity is not to be missed.
I found it thought-provoking and intensely suspenseful. A great book. I'm continuing on with Foundation's Edge.
It was a real surprise to me to find out where the Second Foundation is actually located and who the First Speaker was. A very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.
somehow spawned a whole genre and yet totally unique.
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