Well, this was a beautiful book!
I love the author's note at the beginning, which gives warning as to Abbey's 'wild ideas' which fly in the face of convention. I don't think he's far off. I can understand the desire to step away from society for a while to appreciate the world for what it is withou...show more
I had been meaning to read this book for a long, long time. I think I got my Dover Thrift edition from Borders years ago. Ah, Borders. I miss having a big bookstore five minutes away.
I liked a lot about this book. The idea that our perceptions govern our lives is nothing really new, nor is the ide...show more
This is a wonderful little book. Almond's language is aimed squarely at middle grade, yet is lyrical and poignant. There are so many little flourishes throughout that echo through the whole tale. From the first page to the last, I enjoyed this gem of a book!
I can totally see why it made the 1000 b...show more
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