I love this book! My buddy and I read it together multiple times in college. Something about the hopeless hilarity of Gogo and Didi's lives really gets to me.
In some ways, it's easy to forget that this is a book about rabbits. At the same time, the characters think and act so much like rabbits that it goes far beyond most anthropomorphized stories in bringing the animals to life as animals.
This is an absolutely haunting book that has stuck with me ever since I read it. I can never hear the phrase "things fall apart" now without experiencing a sinking feeling in my stomach because of the poignant melancholy the book elicited from me. I really felt as if I had been there in Okonkwo's vi...show more
I honestly had no idea if I would like Steinbeck, but after the first paragraph I was hooked. The opening chapter of this novel is the most beautiful description of a natural landscape that I have ever read. Before I even got to the characters (all of whom are incredibly life-like and some of whom a...show more
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