Captivating and enchanting book; but hard to keep going, with lots of repetition of themes. I got the Richard Burton (the explorer/linguist, not that Welsh actor) translation, which is poetic and raunchy. Great fun
When I was younger, I was captivated by Science Fiction books; now I've moved on to other stuff, but always enjoyed the imagination used to visualise a future scenario by these authors. So much of the distopian views that were expressed are highly likely to occur here, what with ratbag politicians, more
Same as I've said for other Jane Austen stories; recreates a perspective of the wealthy and aspiring middle classes in the UK in the 19th Century; such a contrast to the lives of characters portrayed by Dickens and Hardy
Although I hate rabbits (they are considered vermin in Australia and have done massive damage to the environment), the story is gripping and entertaining.
Richard Flanagan is such a wonderful author, especially of life in Tasmania. This book is a gripping account of the experience of POWs on the Burma railroad, with the prospect of torture and not much hope of survival; should be read in conjunction with Dr. Weary Dunlop's book about the same more
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