U.S. Grant's "coup d'oeil of the battlefield is second to none. Grant is a humble, honest narrator and writes about his war time experiences in the Mexican War and the American Civil War as well as his interwar years in California. Best war-time biography out there.
I don't know why, but for me this is the perfect book. Fast-based, well-written, believable, and terrifying. Took me 50 years, but think I found my favorite author.
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I, Claudius: From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Born 10 B.C., Murdered and Deified A.D. 54
E.B Sledge's experiences in the Pacific with the U.S. Marines during WW2. One of the best war-biographies I've ever read along with "We Were Soldiers Once and Young", "Storm of Steel", and U.S. Grant's Memoirs.
Ernst Junger's WW1 biography about combat on the Western Front is harrowing counterpart to All Quiet on the Western Front. Junger was wounded numerous times and led his small band of soldiers through hell. Great biography.
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