From the opening scene, in which three witches enter in thunder and lightning to invoke occult spirits in menacing rhymes, Macbeth inhabits a dark world of omens and hallucinatory visions. Impelled by the witches’ prophecies, a military hero pursues a murderous course to the Scottish throne, only to be haunted by the victims of his violence and the depravity of his ambition. His bloody progress is prepared and abetted by the machinations of his wife, who curdles her husband’s nature—“too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness,” she claims—into a poisonous brew. Through the witches’ auguries, supernatural forces seem to fuel the momentum of the couple’s evil deeds, until their phantasmagoric guilt destroys them both.
A good play.First time reading it. I really like the Arkangel audio dramatizaions. I found it very interesting that Lady Macbeth who was so eager to have Duncan killed then couldn't deal with it and had nightmares and sleep-walked trying to get the blood off her hands
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