Watchmen is a comic book that Brad Ricca told the audience at our Cuyahoga County Public Library Battle on 11/6/19 belongs on everyone's TBR list, no matter which side of "the aisle" you're on. It may have originally been published in the 1980s, but Brad argued persuasively that it's every bit as relevant to us today.
I love Moore's inventive SF world, Gibbons' info-packed panels, and the artful segues. And I was hit strongly in the feels several times. People not as steeped as I am in superhero lore may not feel the same way, but this graphic novel was certainly created to push all the right buttons for someone like me.
Can't say how it compares to other graphic novels as it'smy first and only so far but i can say that it holds it's own with the best things I'v ever read- the writing, the characters, the themes, the ideas, the prescience and the relevancee- just amazing
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