A book that i first read as an adult, immediately loved, and have subsequently read it again. It's simply written, but not as simply understood. Although its category is Young Adult, the meaning is as important for adults to understand as the teens it's aimed at. I particularly appreciate the message about the importance of passing the facts and lessons of history—our collective memories—along to the next generation (even if it's but a single person in the community—as is the case here). Having knowledge of the past—the goods and the evils alike—adds color, literally, to the world. While the ending is ambiguous, my gut instinct was that it was hopeful. I just sensed that Lowry wanted this to be a positive message rather than a negative. A book I can't wait to share with my children when they're old enough.
Elizabeth Allen ardently advocated for Lois Lowry’s dystopian classic at a recent Battle in Bethel, CT. The Giver came a close second to Ms. Bixby's Last Day, making it runner-up in the competition and securing Elizabeth a spot in the next 1,000 Books Battle of the Books at Byrd's Books.
Championed by Elizabeth Allen at our first Battle at Byrd's Books in Bethel, CT, Lois Lowry's The Giver received enough votes to come in second place, assuring Elizabeth a spot at our second Battle at Byrd's, coming up in December 2019.
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