Incorrigible, imperious, inexhaustible, yet totally irresistible six-year-old Eloise is a child no parent would want to have in the house, but most grown-ups will enjoy introducing to youngsters at storytime, if only to commune with their own faraway childhoods (not for nothing did Kay Thompson subtitle her tale “A Book for Precocious Grown Ups”). Thompson’s small heroine inhabits the ultimate urban wonderland: the swanky Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. With her mother perennially off in Paris, Eloise is ensconced in a penthouse suite at the Plaza with her Nanny, her dog, Weenie, and her turtle, Skipperdee. The result is a delicious romp through a world peopled with aristocrats and hotel staff, who all seem more or less oblivious to Eloise’s revels. Decades after its creation, Thompson’s book retains its infectious allure, the humor and energy of its telling abetted and amplified on every page by Hilary Knight’s marvelous illustrations.
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