Surviving in one manuscript dating from around AD 1000, and believed to have been composed some two or three hundred years earlier, Beowulf is a poem composed in Old English, also known as Anglo-Saxon, a language worlds apart from even Chaucer’s Middle English. Although written in England, the poem’s action is set in Scandinavia; it centers on the human warrior Beowulf’s courageous encounters with three foes: the beast Grendel, whose fierce attacks have been terrifying the Danes; Grendel’s mother, whom Beowulf battles in an underwater cavern; and, some fifty years on, an unnamed dragon who threatens Beowulf’s homeland in southern Sweden and whom the hero dies defeating. The drama of these battles enlivens the heroic atmosphere the poet conjures: Beowulf’s adventures unfold against a backdrop of stories and loyalties that, together with the monstrous nature of his adversaries, give this tale an ahistorical strangeness and power. Throughout his marvelous rendering, Seamus Heaney captures and holds fast the human feelings that animate this stirring saga.
Although I seriously love Beowulf- there is nothing quite like listening to this version recited by the author. It allowed me to skip the struggle with all the 14-digit Scandinavian names and really hear the story.
I listened to Seamus Heaney's audio disc while I looked at the book. It was a wonderful experience to listen to it. It should be heard. I liked the book too because he added so many pictures and drawings of that time period so you could actually picture some parts of the poem.
Essential reading for literary and mythology buffs. Beowulf is about heroism, courage, and honor. Therecis a good reason this epic poem has survived the ages.
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